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(I) Fire-fighting equipment supply
The working characteristics of the linkage control system for automatic fire alarm and fire fighting equipment in buildings are continuous and uninterrupted. In order to ensure the reliability of the power supply of the fire protection system, a main power supply and a backup DC power supply should be provided. The main power supply for the automatic fire monitoring system should be a dedicated power supply to ensure reliable operation of the equipment.
(b) Automatic standby power input
When the main power supply fails, the standby power is automatically input to ensure the normal operation of the fire-fighting linkage equipment.
(III) Implementation of linkage of fire fighting equipment
According to the "Fire Automatic Alarm System Design Specification", the alarm system of the control center of a high-rise building shall have indoor fire hydrant system, automatic sprinkler system, smoke control system, halogenated fire extinguishing system, fire shutter doors, and alarm bells. When a fire occurs, it can function effectively.
Fire control system
The fire extinguishing system in the building is divided into extinguishing mediums: automatic water extinguishing systems and automatic gas extinguishing systems (the latter being divided into carbon dioxide extinguishing systems and haloalkan extinguishing systems).
(a) automatic water fire extinguishing system
The automatic water fire extinguishing system is the most important fire extinguishing system in a building. According to the system composition and fire extinguishing process can be divided into: indoor fire hydrant fire extinguishing system, indoor automatic spray water system.
When the fire occurs, the automatic alarm system transmits the fire alarm signal to the fire control center control room, and through linkage, the fire center normally open contact is closed, and the fire pump is started to extinguish the fire.
Automatic spray water system can be divided into: dry, wet, rain, spray, pre-action.
The most widely used currently in buildings is still the wet sprinkler fire extinguishing system. It is currently the preferred automatic sprinkler system.
(b) Automatic Gas Extinguishing System
At present, the automatic gas extinguishing system used in the project mainly refers to the carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system and halogenated alkanes (1211,1301) fire extinguishing system. Both carbon dioxide and haloalkane are gaseous fire extinguishing media.
The mechanism of carbon dioxide extinguishing is mainly the effect of flammable materials as a suffocation and a small amount of cooling. The extinguishing principle of haloalkane is based on the chemical reaction process of inhibiting combustion. Therefore, the exhalation of halogenated alkanes is faster and the extinguishing effect is better than that of carbon dioxide.
Halon-alkane gas, however, has a destructive effect on the atmospheric ozone layer and is a restricted use fire extinguishing medium. At the same time, it may have a destructive effect on cultural relics, important documents, treasures and important audio-visual products. Therefore, national regulations must not be used in the environment in which these items are stored. Halon fire extinguishing system.
Carbon dioxide and halogenated gas can be stored in a liquid state at a certain temperature and a certain pressure. Released as a fire extinguishing agent, it becomes a gas state, leaving no trace of stains after the fire extinguishing, and is not conductive, but it is harmful to the human body. Therefore, the gas fire extinguishing system is usually used as an addition to the automatic water fire extinguishing system in engineering, and is used in some important information documents and storage warehouses, as well as fire extinguishing in electric power, telecommunications, and large and medium-sized computer rooms.
Analysis of the Composition and Classification of Automatic Fire Alarm Control System
Fire fighting equipment linkage control mainly includes the following three parts: