Coherent control and wave mixing of silicon vacancy center ensemble in diamond

Abstract In the past decade, the color center in diamond has become an important system for quantum information processing and quantum sensing and metrology applications. Negatively charged provides significant optical properties, such as zero phonon fluorescence at 737 nm, and single center relative resonance for low emission density samples...


In the past decade, the color center in diamond has become an important system for quantum information processing and quantum sensing and metrology applications. Negatively charged provides significant optical properties, such as zero phonon fluorescence at 737 nm, and a narrow non-uniform broadening of only a few hundred MHz for single center relative resonance of low emission density samples.

Considering the effective coupling with diamond nanostructures, microwaves, and all-optical coherence control, this may make it possible to achieve efficient coherent spin-photon interfaces using a single center.

With inversion symmetry, its split-vacancy structure makes the system insensitive to first-order Stark effects, which explains why even in non-ideal crystal environments, the center non-uniform broadening of the formants is relatively narrow. Combined with strong spin-orbit coupling, the double degenerate ground state and excited state have larger level splitting, which provides excellent separation of optical fine structural components, superior to other solid state systems, such as NV color centers. Or quantum dots. Compared to the most commonly used rare earth doped crystals, the ratio of non-uniform broadening to the ground state splitting still retains advantages, which allows basic research and applications in the field of strong coherent light-substance interactions and single photon nonlinearities. In contrast, even in small sample volumes, ensembles provide a large cross-section that interacts with photons, thus allowing similar effects to be observed in solid, compact, ductile devices, suitable for waveguides. Integration with on-chip photonic structures.

Recently, Christian Weinzetl, Jonas Nils Becker, Ian A. Walmsley, and others from the Clarendon Laboratory at Oxford University. Single-photon and two-photon coherent operations on the central ensemble are demonstrated and show the potential of the optical Hahn echo scheme to further modify the residual non-uniform spread bandwidth. In addition, the researchers demonstrated strong in the 300-nm thick ensemble by implementing the stimulated Raman adiabatic process (STIRAP) and the strong absorption and amplification of the weak coherent state by strong seeded off-resonant four-wave mixing (FWM). Light-substance interaction. This outlines the enormous potential of ensembles to achieve integrated devices that rely on intense light-substance interactions, and the ability to coherently operate the central ensemble will enable Raman-based optical quantum memories. Related research is published in the recent Physical Review Letters.

Link to article: Christian Weinzetl, Johannes Görlitz, Jonas Nils Becker, Ian A.Walmsley, Eilon Poem, Joshua Nunn, and Christoph Becher, Coherent Control and Wave Mixing in an Ensemble of Silicon-Vacancy Centers in Diamond, Phys. Rev. Lett. ,063601 –Published 12 February 2019

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