Kitchen decoration 8 details owners do not look regret!

People take food as their day, kitchens occupy an extremely important position at the time of our daily lives. Therefore, the kitchen must pay special attention to the decoration, otherwise it will directly affect our daily life and diet. I believe everyone has their own plans in mind. , But more details about the kitchen we take into account? Today Xiao Bian gave you talk about what are the small details!

First, operating platform height

When working in the kitchen, the height of the operating platform plays a decisive role in preventing fatigue and turning around. When you bend your body forward 20 degrees for a long time, it will have a great load on your waist, and in the long run, back pain will also come along. Therefore, the height of the platform must be determined according to your height.

Second, lighting layout

The lighting of the kitchen needs to be divided into two levels: one is the lighting of the entire kitchen, and the other is the lighting of the washing and cooking heads. The latter generally arranges partial lights in the lower part of the cabinet, sets up convenient switch gears, and the current well-functioning range hoods are generally lighted and adequate for cooking.

Kitchen kitchen decoration construction knowledge

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Hose Couplings can connect the hoses to hoses; also can be connected to nozzles,

Can be operated simple.

Hose couplings, as per the different countries standard, include BS Couplings,storz couplings, US couplings,Japan couplings,Italy couplings and Russia couplings etc,.

As per the different size, include small size coupling and big size couplings.

As per the different materials, include brass coupling and aluminum couplings.


Hose Couplings

Hose Couplings,Fire Hose Couplings,Plastic Hose Coupling,Stainless Steel Hose Coupling