New shank developed by Iscar

Abstract Iscar's new toolholder "PASSPORT" system is a versatile tool for clamping all kinds of integral shanks and shanks for boring. Through the use of various tool holders and holders, a variety of internal hole cuttings such as boring, turning, tapping, profiling and...

Iscar's new lance "PASSPORT" system is a versatile tool for clamping a variety of integral shanks and shanks for boring holes. A variety of internal hole cuttings such as boring, turning, tapping, profiling and grooving can be performed by using various shanks and shanks.

The overall tool holder has high strength and hardness, and can resist deformation and bending, which can make the workpiece to be processed with precise dimensions and low surface roughness.

The "PASSPORT" system has a 6mm and 8mm hole at each end, allowing the use of different holders. The length of the shank can be adjusted according to the depth of the hole being machined.

Concrete Nails

Concrete Nails

We offer complete types of concrete nails covering galvanized concrete nails, color concrete nails, black concrete nails, bluish concrete nails and concrete nails with various special nail heads and shank types. Common diameter sizes for galvanized concrete nails are 1.7~5.0mm and the nail length goes from 16mm to 50mm.

Concrete Nails,Polished Concrete Nails,Galvanized Concrete Nails,Black Boiling Concrete Nails