New Trends in CAD-CAM Data Conversion (5)

3.5 Other data formats

In addition to the above, there are some data format standards that are being used or developed. They are:

Hey. IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) - introduced by the National Bureau of Standards in 1979, is used mechanically. It is a reliable standard for 3D geometric models and engineering descriptions. It includes technical descriptions, engineering graphics, electronic design data, and manufacturing design. Data, CNC information, etc., electronic applications need further development.

Hey. STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data)—ISO (The International Standards Organization) was launched in 1984. It is a collection of entities and relationships modeling tools. It is still being developed and expanded using the EXPRESS language. The machinery industry has been widely used. The ultimate goal is to replace all existing international CAD/CAM data exchange standards.

Hey. VHDL—VHSIC Hardware Description Language, IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) standard, which is used to define the functional and logical structure of digital circuit systems. It is a digital circuit and data communication. A powerful tool for design and analysis.

Hey. DPF, BARCO format - IPC-D-351;

Hey. EIA494-CNC format—IPC-D-352;

Hey. IDF 2.0, IDF 3.0 format - IPC-D356, IPC-D-355;

Hey. INCASES format (SULTAN) - IEC 1182-10.

In addition, three formats such as Postscript, HPGL, and DXF are no longer accepted by users.

4 Conclusion

In summary, the development of the CAD-CAM data conversion format standard for the electronics industry is still in progress, most of which are in the testing phase. The ECCE project plan has just begun to enter the role. The IPC-2510 series standard and CAD information modeling is just its The first two steps of the project, CAM modeling (STEP standard) have not been reported, and CAM modeling is the most important part of completing the ECCE project. The CAM information model will be able to be associated with other common formats or standard information, such as The test vector, simulation model, etc. will eventually form a complete set of CAD-CAM full line standards.

The development of today's flexible manufacturing system (FMS-Flexible Manufacturing System) is gradually moving toward design and manufacturing integration applications. CAD-CAM data conversion is the key to its information integration. It is of great significance to carry out corresponding development work.

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