For humans or animals, the intestines are not only the organs that are digested and absorbed, but also the largest immune organs. The integrity of the intestines also affects the body's digestion, absorption and immunity of the ingested substances. In other words, intestinal health is the foundation of production performance. Essential to intestinal health is the largest number of intestines in the gut - the gut microbiota. For piglets from birth to weaning, it is not only the daily gain and feed intake, but more importantly, the development of the gastrointestinal flora and enzyme system to prepare for later growth. As a regulator of endogenous flora in the intestine, oligo-isomaltose is worthy of promotion because of its green safety, health and efficiency. A brief introduction to the functional properties of piglets with oligo-isomaltose is now available. First, enhance the intestinal mucosal immunity of piglets The mechanical barrier of the intestinal mucosa, the membrane barrier of the resident flora and the immune system of the intestinal mucosa together resist the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestinal tract, maintaining the normal morphological structure and physiological functions of the intestinal tract. Due to the imperfect development of the immune system, the immune capacity of suckling pigs is relatively poor. Newborn piglets are not immune, mainly from the absorption of immune proteins in colostrum, so it is important for piglets to eat colostrum. Piglets do not start producing antibodies until 10 days old, but the number is not very good until 30 days to 35 days. At the same time, various stresses such as weaning and refueling can inhibit the body's immunity. At this time, if there is a pathogen in the pig house or the external environment changes drastically, the piglet will become sick due to poor resistance of the body, causing diarrhea or other diseases. Therefore, the barrier function of the intestinal flora is extremely important. Oligomeric isomaltose can preferentially proliferate beneficial bacteria such as bifidobacteria in the intestine, making it a dominant flora, and then forming colonization resistance through steric hindrance, occupying adhesion sites, and secreting bacteriostatic substances, inhibiting the adhesion and proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. And further invasion. The pathogens are colonized on the intestine by adhesin. Because the intestinal adhesin receptor of some pathogens contains a glycosyl structure, similar to the structure of oligoisomaltose, oligoisomaltose can also be combined with certain pathogens. It is excreted. Second, promote the development of the digestive system of piglets Piglets have short gastrointestinal tracts, limited volume, low development of digestive organs, and imperfect digestive function. The secretion of gastric juice secretion in piglets is not completely established, lacking the ability to secrete gastric juice, the secretion of gastric juice is very small, and the content of digestive enzymes in the stomach is also insufficient. Studies have shown that there are only chymosin in the stomach of born piglets, and there are few pepsins. Only about 1/3 and 1/4 of adulthood. At the same time, the content of free hydrochloric acid in the stomach is extremely small. Insufficient gastric acid content leads to high pH in the gastrointestinal tract of piglets, making it difficult to activate the source of pepsin. According to the data, the pH value of piglets in the stomach of piglets is about 4.0, and the pH value rises to 5.5-6.0 within 5 days after weaning. Gradually decline in the future. After 60 days of age, it can gradually reach the normal level (pH = 3.0). At this time, if the intake of protein is excessive and cannot be completely digested, it will spoil in the large intestine, produce harmful substances, damage the colon, and cause diseases such as diarrhea. Having a healthy and complete intestinal tract is a prerequisite for the healthy development of the digestive system. The oligomeric isomaltose produces short-chain fatty acids by increasing beneficial intestinal bacteria such as Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus, reducing intestinal pH, promoting digestive juice secretion and digestive enzymes. At the same time, it provides energy for intestinal development, increases intestinal villus height, inhibits the proliferation of harmful bacteria such as Escherichia coli, inhibits intestinal damage, and has a significant effect on the repair of intestinal damage after weaning. Third, improve feed utilization Oligomeric isomaltose is fermented by beneficial bacteria to produce organic acid, dissolves insoluble calcium salt in feed, increases absorption and utilization of minerals such as calcium and magnesium; lowers intestinal pH and activates digestive enzyme activity, thereby enhancing digestion of macromolecular nutrients such as protein Rate, reduce the incidence of nutritional diarrhea; short-chain fatty acids promote intestinal mucosal cell proliferation, increase villus height, increase intestinal nutrient absorption area, and ultimately improve nutrient digestion and utilization. The growth and development of piglets will directly determine the future production benefits, which is precisely the peak of pig death. Cold, hunger, squeezing, disease and other stresses make the weak piglets less immune, and the morbidity and mortality increase. Having a healthy and complete intestinal tract can help piglets better absorb feed nutrients, enhance body resistance, reduce stress damage, and lay a good foundation for future growth and development. 230mm (9 Inch) Depressed-Center Grinding Disc B&H TOOLS CO., LTD. ,