Relationship between soil moisture meter and soil moisture

Farmland soil water is most closely related to crop growth, which directly affects the water, gas, heat and nutrients of crop growth. The surface water and groundwater can only be directly absorbed and utilized by the crop through a certain transformation relationship to soil moisture. Therefore, the soil moisture status of farmland is the core of the growing environment. The water required for different crops at different stages of growth is also different. Generally, the crops need less water during the seedling stage, and as the crop growth gradually increases, the water storage capacity is the highest during the vigorous growth period, and the water storage capacity at the mature stage is gradually reduced.
In addition, the critical period of crop water is also different. The critical period of crop water refers to the period when soil water shortage has the most serious impact on crop growth and yield. Wheat: heading-irrigation period; corn: tasseling period; cotton: flowering and bolling period; legume crop: flowering stage; rice: booting stage, heading stage. Timely understanding of soil moisture conditions in different periods, combined with weather conditions, suggesting targeted and scientific irrigation recommendations for agricultural production is essential for agricultural production. How to measure soil moisture?
The soil moisture meter is a special instrument for measuring soil moisture. This instrument can not only measure soil moisture in time, but also record soil moisture in time, and store relevant data in the host computer for scientific research.
As can be seen from the above, soil moisture status as an important indicator of agricultural production requires sufficient attention from relevant departments and personnel. As a professional instrument for rapid measurement of soil moisture, the soil moisture meter can measure soil moisture in real time and save a large amount of soil moisture information. The relevant agricultural and meteorological departments use this as raw data to compile soil information tables and charts, and combine the weather in the next few days. The situation is scientific and reasonable water-saving irrigation.
The soil moisture meter provides a scientific basis for soil moisture and plays a guiding role in water-saving irrigation.

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