Led Par Light,Par16 Led Bulb,Par56 Led Bulb,Par 46 Led Bulb Big Dipper Laser Science And Technology Co., Ltd , https://www.bigdipper-laser.com In this competitive metal processing world, manufacturers continue to strive to increase their productivity, and this continuing challenge also means the need to continuously improve the metal removal rate. This goal needs to be achieved by increasing the feed parameters, increasing the depth of cut and maximizing the cutting speed.
In order to achieve this, we need to adopt the cutting-edge tooling technology and implement the most efficient machining method through the proper metal cutting process.
Among the factors in the processing environment, the tool occupies a very important position. Although the tool only accounts for 3% of the total production cost, if the machining efficiency is increased by 20% by proper tool selection, it can effectively save up to 15% of the total cost.
As with the domino effect, a significant increase in productivity can be achieved by increasing the processing performance by 15-20%, which in turn directly boosts the rate of return and allows companies to gain greater competitiveness. However, these goals can only be achieved through the cooperation of advanced tools, cutting-edge CNC machines, and intelligent CAD/CAM software.
Selecting the correct metal cutting strategy for high productivity. Choosing the correct tool and cutting parameters can shorten the cycle time and reduce the power consumption of individual workpieces. The rapid metal removal process not only yields high productivity but also saves energy. In general, the shorter the tool cutting time, the higher the productivity and the less energy consumed. Similarly, if you use the advanced CAD/CAM software system to obtain the shortest tool path and optimize cutting parameters, you can further increase productivity.
Increase productivity through vibration-reducing machining solutions Design of cuttings, high precision, and efficient distribution of cutting forces improve tool performance, combined with vibration-damping design and smooth chip design to drastically reduce power consumption while gaining high productivity. The two major factors driving low energy consumption and high metal removal rate are spiral cutting edges and unequal pitch structures. Unequal pitch cutters eliminate harmonic vibrations, which are the main cause of vibration. During machining, whenever the vibration or noise is generated, the operator always rapidly reduces cutting parameters such as cutting speed, feed or cutting depth, which is not conducive to the performance of the tool.