"White-browed heroes" Xing Daishan's high-quality love nest

From the "white-browed heroes" to the new head of the "Hitou Six Group IV" shooting in the suburbs of Beijing, the young and handsome Xing Yishan has become a man with slight vicissitudes. After walking into his home again six years later, it feels like it is. It's still beautiful, but it feels more...

Simple and beautiful home improvement concept

It is certain that materials must be environmentally friendly, especially families with children. Xing Daishan advocates simplicity and loves Chinese traditional culture. Therefore, there is a simple and beautiful idea in the tradition. This is the concept of his entire home improvement.

Because the last family had found a designer, but was not very satisfied, Xing Yushan decided to design it entirely from the beginning. "We didn't look for a professional designer. Plan, waterway diagrams, and circuit diagrams were all produced by us and then renovated."

Every visiting friend was envious of the sunshine in the living room.

In general, the video wall is very easy to do superficially, so Xing Yishan simply does not want anything, hangs the TV directly on the white wall, adds a few small lamps next to the lighting, it touches the screen next to the video wall, he specifically looking for a friend Hand-painted famous paintings, opened the screen, is the son of the world.

As an actor, there is no cloakroom, and she is close to her parents’ house. She often goes to her parents to eat. So Xing Yishan transforms the original kitchen into a large dressing room. Shoes, clothes, etc. Each suit has a bag with some collections, debris, boxes to store, etc.

Star home TV decoration glass decoration design house decoration house open kitchen decoration find decoration company okay decoration living room decoration partition decoration style TV wallpaper bar door cabinet door home cabinet kitchen cabinet door partition cabinet open closet classical furniture white furniture children bookcase glass furniture bar Chairs bar stools partition doors children's closet glass table glass door kitchen glass sliding door bathroom design toilet partition bathroom door dining room furniture children's dining room bedroom wardrobe bedroom lamp small bedroom

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