Zhejiang Shuangfei launches "belt-life belt" promotion

In order to actively implement the spirit of the “Notice on the Dissemination and Use of Publicity Films for Safety Belts and Life Belts” issued by the Ministry of Transport, the use rate of wearing seat belts is further improved to ensure the safety of road passenger transportation. On March 10, Shuangfei’s public transportation companies leased buses. The branch company organizes all the drivers to watch the "belt-life belt" publicity and education film, so that propaganda and education go deep into each driver, driver and crew, and guide everyone to consciously use and wear safety belts while driving.

The film uses the principle of use of seat belts, positive and negative cases, and research data as the main lines. It explains the importance of seat belts in simple terms: The seat belts have a fixed and cushioned inertial effect on the human body and can effectively prevent life-threatening direct injuries and Second injury, so the seat belt is also called "life belt."

After watching, the driver has a new understanding of the importance of seat belts, and expressed that in the future work and life, it is necessary to improve their own security awareness and to be responsible for their own lives and the lives of others, consciously when driving and riding a car. Fasten your seat belts and actively promote the education of other drivers and occupants. Work together to build a safety barrier for life.

At the same time, the company requires every operating vehicle to implement seat belt installation and ensure that the seat belt is valid. In the course of operation, the driver is required to remind and inspect passengers to wear safety belts, and to further implement the safety notification system. Passenger safety belts should be used as one of the safety notification contents so that “cherish life, please fasten the safety belt” to become a safety sign. Sexual language and safety mantra.

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