Biological salt removal to prevent soil salt damage in greenhouse

During the hot summer season, the greenhouse is mostly idle, and you can use this time to plant a demineralized plant such as Sudan grass or plant some legumes. Sudan grass grows fast, has strong fertility, and can grow in a short period of time. Growing 30d, producing 22500kg straw per hectare; 37500kg for 45d; 45000kg for 60d. Planting 30 d, 0 ~ 5cm, 5 ~ 25 cm and 25 ~ 50 cm three layers of soil desalination 27.0%, 13.1% and 30.6%, have a certain desalination effect. In legumes, the inorganic nitrogen in the soil is converted into organic nitrogen in the plant, thereby reducing the concentration of the soil solution, and then changing the crop to green manure. Since it contains a lot of carbon, in the process of decomposition, soil microorganisms It is also necessary to use nitrogen in the soil to effectively prevent nitrogen excess. Vegetables have different tolerance to salt. While draining salt, some vegetables with strong salt tolerance can be selected to ensure higher yield. Salinity order of main greenhouse cultivated vegetables: green cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce, tomato, celery, eggplant, sweet pepper, cucumber, strawberry.
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