Lifting table seal type and function

We have developed lift seals with excellent sealing performance during their life cycle, and at the same time, they have low friction and wear, and they hope to have superior performance in case of bad things. In order to meet the above-mentioned requests for differences, we should choose seals more rationally. Because a lot of factors will affect the choice of seals, it is necessary to recognize the use of the cylinders when choosing seals, and to make an analysis and study after making a request for their performance. When we choose seals, we must consider the following main factors:

Convexity of pressure pressure, changes in the cycle of pressure cycles, and the destruction of seals (such as extrusion) have a great impact. The higher the pressure, the greater the influence of other factors on the performance of the seal, such as temperature, speed, material of the seal, clearance between piston and cylinder, gap between piston and cylinder head.

Temperature is more difficult to hold the top temperature and the lowest temperature of a seal material, because it is a series of factors of comprehensive effect. The temperature difference between the piston and the piston rod is different. We must choose the difference between them.

The friction between the friction seal and the seal profile depends on many factors: profile roughness, profile characteristics, pressure, media, temperature, material of the seal, type of seal and rate of motion.

The surface treatment history notes that the characteristics of the piston and the piston rod of the cylinder piston have a great influence on the life of the seal. The appearance feature is commonly defined by the value of the profile roughness Ra, where Ra is the arithmetic mean value of the absolute value of the outer profile deviating from the center line. However, these values ​​cannot completely explain the effect of the appearance on the seal. This is because even at the same roughness, the divergent outer shape characteristics can cause the seal to wear at different levels of the seal. To analyze the above points and select more scientific elevator seals, it has played an important role in the entire hydraulic system.

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