Ultra Plantâ„¢ Grow Light offers One Chip Technology aimed to meet your indoor growing expectation such as improve plants' quality, increase yield, or better the margin, etc., all for helping you realize a higher return on your crops.
From Ultra Plantâ„¢ APP, you are able to schedule the growing process including photoperiod, brightness and spectral in advance. The lighting system will help you grow smarter, easier and better.
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Diamond consists of a myriad of diamond crystals, usually containing five carbon atoms per crystal. Scientists at North Carolina State University use the latest technology to make crystals contain only two carbon atoms. The remaining three positions are atomic vacancies, one carbon-13 atom (a stable isotope of carbon), and a nitrogen atom.
This new structure is called NV center, and each NV-doped nanodiamond contains only one crystal with NV center, and the rest of the crystals are ordinary carbon diamond crystals. In this way, the NV center can be switched between two transition states by current or laser control, and the new nano-diamond can be used as the basic qubit of the quantum computer. Because quantum computing requires each qubit to have more states than the normal binary 0 and 1.
The researchers will next work with governments and companies to explore new nanodiamond self-assembly systems to produce this innovative and low-cost new component for quantum computers.
Ultra Plantâ„¢ Grow Light is combined our advanced All-In-One technology with patented optical design and customized light full spectrum supported from our experienced LED engineers, plant specialists and other partners working on horticulture.
Ultra Plantâ„¢ is the most versatile horticultural grow lighting fixture for indoor plants with flexible full spectrum, brightness control and uniform, wider light distribution, suitable for top lighting of all types of crops. No matter it applies to anywhere for any crop, Ultra Plantâ„¢ can do perfect work for you.
New nano-diamond structure is expected to realize quantum computing process ahead of time
Abstract American researchers have successfully developed a new structure for nanodiamonds. They plan to work with governments and companies to explore new nanodiamond self-assembly systems to produce this innovative and low-cost new component for quantum computers. This new structure contains a nitrogen source...
American researchers have successfully developed a new structure for nanodiamonds, and plan to work with governments and companies to explore new nanodiamond self-assembly systems to produce this innovative and low-cost new component for quantum computers. This new structure contains a nitrogen atom and an atomic vacancy. It can be applied to quantum calculations at room temperature, single photon sensors and non-toxic fluorescent biomarkers.