First, several major problems with the current use of herbicides : Electric Conduit,Conduit Coupling,T-Shaped Conduit,3-Way T-Shaped Conduit TAISHAN CITY WANAN CABLE CO.,LTD ,
(1) The herbicide is still used to kill the weeds;
(2) Although it can kill grass, the rate of killing grass is not high; the third is that killing the grass also harms the crop; the fourth is to kill the grass of the current crop, which harms the seedlings of the next season crop.
Second, the correct use of herbicides:
(1) Correct selection of herbicides The effect of applying herbicides is greatly related to the variety of the drug to be applied. For example, there are many monocotyledonous weeds in the field, and the herbicides that kill the dicotyledonous weeds are used to kill the monocotyledonous weeds. On the contrary, if there are more dicotyledonous weeds in the field, the herbicides mainly killing monocotyledonous weeds can also kill the dicotyledonous weeds. Among the herbicides, there are many varieties such as an amide herbicide, a sulfonylurea herbicide, a nitrobenzene herbicide, an organophosphorus herbicide, a phenoxycarboxylic acid herbicide, and the like. Some herbicides should be treated before planting, and some should be applied after sowing to pre-emergence, and some should be treated after emergence. If the herbicides treated in different periods are applied upside down, the grass killing effect is not obvious, and some may even have negative effects.
(2) Make full use of ecological conditions.
In the production and application, although the herbicide is selected, if the ecological conditions are not paid attention to, the herbicide is applied at will, and the effect is often not satisfactory. For example, the herbicides Fluramine and Diltiazem, which are sensitive to light conditions, must be covered with clay when applying soil before sowing. Otherwise, it will be easily photolyzed and volatilized, which will affect the herbicidal function. Some herbicides also have strict temperature requirements. Both high temperature and low temperature can cause phytotoxicity, and the best herbicidal effect is in the proper temperature range. Dryland herbicides have strict requirements on humidity and soil moisture, and the lack of sensation is not good. If applied after suffocating in the rain, the efficiency of killing grass will be greatly improved.
(3) Improve the level of application technology.
1 To distinguish the situation, master the application amount of herbicide. Just like the use of glyphosate, the reeds of drought-resistant crops, 200 to 300 grams per acre, only 4 grams per acre when controlling the dodder in the soybean field.
2 It is necessary to use drugs for different growth stages of crops. As with 2,4-D, it is easy to produce phytotoxicity before rice tillering, and it can effectively control broadleaf weeds and sedges during rice tillering.
3 Weeds have different fertility processes depending on the herbicide applied.
4 According to different crops and different weeds, face application, point application or directed application.
5 It is necessary to flexibly apply herbicides according to the warmth, light and sensation.