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The storage devices used in video surveillance systems have different characteristics from other types of systems in terms of data read and write. Video surveillance systems generally have many features such as multiple monitoring points (multiple cameras), large video data streams, long storage time, and 24 hours of continuous uninterrupted operation. In the video surveillance application, the video stream is mainly written. The specific features are as follows:
Video data is streamed to or from the storage device, unlike traditional file reading and writing.
Multiple channels of video are written to the same storage device at the same time, requiring the storage system to work stably for a long time.
Real-time multi-channel video writing requires a high bandwidth and constant storage system.
The capacity is huge, the storage expansion performance is high, and the faulty equipment can be replaced online or expanded.
Multi-channel concurrent read and write requires very high performance on storage devices.
When people mention security networked applications, most of them think of network surveillance cameras. In fact, the composition of the monitoring system is not limited to front-end products. If there is no back-end storage device, then huge image data can only become a "cloud." There are 10 major technologies related to network storage:
(1) NAS system Network attached storage systems, file storage and access all need to go through the LAN, and also add additional storage through Fibre Channel or SCSI-based switches.
(2) The NAS gateway is a diskless file server that uses a SAN storage array to provide extended storage capacity.
(III) SAN Architecture Top Ten Monitoring and Storage Technology In the inventory network, multiple servers are connected to a central disk storage library consisting of one or more storage arrays, which greatly improves system management and data backup.
(4) Cloud storage Through clustering applications, grid technologies, or distributed file systems, a large number of different types of storage devices in the network work together through application software to jointly provide data storage and service access functions.
(5) HBA
A pluggable card that connects the host computer to a network/storage device and supports multiple storage network protocols.
(6) IP storage uses the IP protocol to connect to a remote SAN. In a Fibre Channel SAN, the IP protocol is used to send FC frames in IP packets, and for non-Fibre Channel SANs, the iSCSI protocol is used to convert SCSI data into IP packets.
(7) RAID
Independent redundant disk arrays that require multiple disks for improved performance and fault redundancy.
(8) LANfree backups do not pass through the LAN or WAN network when backing up data to a storage array, tape library or other storage device.
(9) Fibre Channel transfers data requests from the server to the disk array, and Fibre Channel switches in the SAN are used to connect the server to the storage array.
(X) Block-level storage When reading files from disk/writing files to disk, block-level access ensures that network users do not have to manage data, allowing network administrators to specify where data is stored to resolve performance issues.
Top Ten Monitoring Storage Technology Inventory
Security Monitoring Storage Technology Features <br> The birth of network monitoring solves the problem of traditional monitoring effects, changes the traditional connection method, is simpler and more convenient, but at the same time derives more storage requirements and higher bandwidth.
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