Miniature vacuum pump continuous operation of the life problem

Miniature vacuum pump, miniature pump continuous operation of life and intermittent use of life in the end how conversion? Can not use a simple mathematical formula accurate conversion. Lifetime test is generally done under full load, one minute of non-stop life test, if the use of electric suc.......

Hardware "big crocodile" dances with "Long"

The manufacturing industry in China is gloomy and the future is uncertain. What are the basic points for the development of China's hardware industry in the next decade? How can the corporate innovation transformation and development go?

On Septem.......

Open your mind and reduce stress

To have room for decompression, home feng shui is a basic requirement. It complies with the requirements of natural energy and human sensuality. The mood is naturally good, and the fortune will also follow. In the current economic downturn, Feng Shui masters teach a simple adjustment method, w.......