BOLT SCIENCE releases BOLTCALC sixth edition

BOLT SCIENCE, based in the UK, released the sixth edition of BOLTCALC software in early 2012. In addition to providing bolting solutions, consulting tasks and testing services, the bolt specialists also write professional software for selling bolted joints and train engineers in the field of bolts. The sixth edition of the BOLTCALC software is mainly used to analyze bolt-on loads, thread removal and torque tightening. For details, please refer to its website.

Stop Valves

Stop Valves are closed by screwing a rubber gasket down onto a seat in the middle of the valve. Pros only use small versions that act as shutoff valves for fixtures such as sinks and toilets and outdoor sillcocks. Flow is inefficient because of the circuitous route the fluid (water, in most cases) has to follow. It's important to orient the valve in the right direction with the arrow (cast into the side of the valve) aligned with flow direction. That way, water flows against the bottom of the rubber gasket. If the valve is put in backward, the flow will force the gasket away from the top of the valve.

Stop Valves, Shower Stop Valve, Water Stop Valves, Brass Stop Valve