How to scientifically plant peas?

Dutch beans are climbing plants of the genus Pea, semi-hardy vegetables, not heat resistant. Seed dressing with new high-fat film before planting (increasing germination rate), the seeds begin to sprout slowly at 4 °C, and can be emerged at 4-6 days at 16 °C-18 °C.

In the early spring, the greenhouse is cultivated with peas, which can be sown in early March and managed to harvest from late May to mid-June. Apply enough base fertilizer, choose robust seedlings to transplant, properly water, as long as it does not dry. Spraying a new high-fat film on the surface of plants can prevent the infection of pathogens, improve the ability to resist natural disasters, increase the intensity of photosynthesis, and protect the growth of seedlings. When the branches are 30 cm long, they are framed. Pour small water before the buds and do not water during the flowering period. Dutch beans have nitrogen fixation capacity, do not need a lot of fertilizer, and are reasonably watered and fertilized according to plant demand. When the plant grows to 15 knots, the heart is removed, and the lower old leaves and yellow leaves are removed to improve the ventilation and light transmission conditions. The fruit vegetables enhance the quality of pollen fertilization, the cycle fruit set rate is strong, promote fruit development, no deformity, no empty shell, no glutinous grains, good uniformity and quality. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
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