First stroke Stand at the front door of your home and look outside. See if there are any large buildings or obstacles facing you, and create the "dark arrows" in Feng Shui. Neighbors' satellite antennas, street poles, church minaret, or a long road right at the door of your home - these can all form the so-called "dark arrows." If there is anything that can be a "dark arrow" facing the door of your house, then in order to resolve this harmful influence, you should put a gossip mirror on the front door with a mirror to the outside. The second stroke Examine the back door and all major windows of your home in the above way. Third stroke Once again, stand at the front door of your home and use a compass to determine the direction of your home. You can use the compass compass used by the Boy Scout, or the elaborate Chinese Compass (compass), but you must make sure that you line up the north needle in the needle with the north of the compass. (If you don't have a compass on hand, you may be able to use the street map to find out what direction your home is facing.) Write down this result and compare it with your personal best position. Feng shui home Feng Shui layout villa decoration Feng Shui home room bedside bathroom office feng shui home feng shui door feng shui house feng shui office chair toilet door office furniture kitchen cabinet door restaurant furniture home furnishings horizontal slurry pump,vertical slurry pump,ligh duty slurry pump,slurry pump,High Quality slurry pump,slurry pump Details. Sichuan Zigong Industrial Pump Co.,Ltd. ,
Put home feng shui array practical "transshipment" coup
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