See through the balcony 9 feng shui taboos make your love career double harvest

See through the balcony 9 feng shui taboos Let your love career double harvest

First, the balcony should not face the sky

Second, the balcony should not face the road straight

If the building is at a corner junction and the road runs straight onto the balcony, it will be like a beast facing straight ahead.

Moreover, this pattern, vehicles driving fast on the road, and noise will continue to impact households through the balcony, disrupting the peaceful life field, affecting the home atmosphere, very detrimental to the health of residents.

Third, the balcony should not face the anti-bow

For reasons such as the terrain and layout, the design of the road will inevitably be curved. If you look out from the balcony, the road ahead is curved, and the corners rush straight to the balcony, similar to the archer who wants to open the house. This is the anti-bow pattern of the street. This is a fierce feng shui, and the main loses money.

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